Wellness Tips: How to Accept Change (So You Don’t Shut Down)
What does it mean to be adaptable? It means having the ability shift to changes in your environment. We all go through changes in life, and although some can be stressful, adaptability can be a powerful skill to develop. Becoming more adaptable allows you to accept the things that happen to you rather than shutting down. As an adaptable person, you become better able to face challenges head-on, growing stronger and more resilient as a result.
As a student, you are always learning and exploring. While book knowledge is useful, it is also important to continue to expand your knowledge – and adaptability – in areas extending beyond the school environment.
Read more below for tips and advice on learning to accept change.
Three Ways to Learn to Accept Change
What is the best way to grow into an adaptable person? We believe it’s best to start with three general areas of practice:
1. Get out of your comfort zone.
What you see isn’t always what you get. Just because you’ve been taught something a certain way doesn’t mean it’s the only way. Getting out of your comfort zone can help diversify your experience and insight. It allows you to be more open-minded to new things, new people, and new places.
This doesn’t have to mean taking big steps either. Instead of studying inside your room, change it up by going out to study in a park. Another way to get out of your comfort zone is by having open discussions with other students. This can be a little intimidating at first, but once you do it, you will see how much fun you can have and how much you can learn from others.
UMA Facebook study groups are just one way to connect with peers and learn from their insights and experiences. If one of these study groups are available for a UMA course, you will receive an invite to join at the start.
2. Change your perspective to a more positive one.
Sometimes things don’t go as planned. Looking at a situation with an uplifted attitude can allow you to adapt quickly to unexpected events. It also turns the potentially negative event into a more positive experience.
When a difficult situation comes up in your life, don’t allow yourself to develop a victim mindset. Instead, look for ways to grow from the incident. Think about what you can learn that can help you in the future.
If you didn’t do well on your coursework, for instance, or even in an entire course, don’t shut down and berate yourself. Instead, think about the changes you can make that will allow you the best route for success in your future courses.
If this feels like a challenge to you, or you’re not sure the changes you can make, speak with your Learner Services Advisor. UMA provides guidance toward support resources that may help you achieve your goals.
3. Change your fixed mindset to a growth mindset.
What is the difference between the two? A person with a fixed mindset believes that there is no way of improving or learning something new. Conversely, someone with a growth mindset believes that every skill can be learned with time and effort.
Having a growth mindset will help you change the way you think, as well as the way you learn, explore, and achieve. It enables you to achieve higher levels of mastery in whatever it is you are trying to pursue.
Altering your perspective requires that you develop a greater level of self-acceptance rather than requiring approval from others. It also helps to start viewing your mistakes as lessons to be learned and ways you can grow. Try thinking of mistakes as steppingstones for future success!
Helpful Resources:
- Personal Development: How to Increase Your Adaptability
- What Strategies Can You Use to Keep a Positive Mindset to Stay Motivated in College?
- The Difference Between a Fixed Mindset and a Growth Mindset
- The Importance of Having a “Growth Mindset”
UMA Support
UMA knows that many students juggle work and family life while going to school. That’s why we have a built-in support system. Our Learner Services Advisors are here for you. Call 888-216-0544. We encourage you to reach out with questions and concerns.
UMA Cares
UMA Cares handles important student issues that may need to be addressed with special attention. UMA Cares takes all inquiries seriously and responds in a timely manner. Visit UltimateMedical.edu/uma-cares/ to make your voice heard.
UMA Wellness Center
Stay tuned to the UMA Wellness Center for new blog posts! Wellness is incredibly important to your studies and your overall health. UMA is committed to providing you and your household with access to wellness resources. You and your household can use these resources to work toward your health and wellbeing!
UMA does not endorse any vendors, products, or services presented in the UMA Wellness Blog Series, and UMA bears no responsibility in any capacity as it relates to such vendors, products, or services. The information on wellness or related services is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional financial advice. Please contact the vendor or service provider for answers to questions regarding its content, products, or services.
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About the Author
Epiphany Hunter is a Copywriter and SEO Specialist at Ultimate Medical Academy. Her journalism experience centralizes on long-form narrative nonfiction, covering industries including medical devices, health and wellness, and healthcare education. She received her BA in English in 2018 and her MA in Writing and Digital Communications in 2019.
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