Why Choose UMA?
A school committed to you.

Education with you in mind.
- Many of our programs are fully online, allowing you to complete course assignments from the comfort of your home.1
- UMA is institutionally accredited by the Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools (abhes.org).
- Our tech support is there when you need it, accessible 24/7.
- Standardized testing is not required to enroll. That means no SAT, GMAT, GRE, or ACT.2
Listen to what our graduates have to say.
Their stories speak volumes.
Don't give up. No matter what obstacles you face or anything that happens in life, just know that it’s worth finishing school — getting that degree.
What inspired me to do UMA is that I felt like I had been taking care of everyone else … it was just time for me to do something for myself.
UMA has given me the care of emotional support, education support...when it comes to learning services, especially the library, they’re almost like a family.
I have never seen a school that has had someone with you from the very first time that you send information, wanting information, all the way until graduation, then past graduation.
I was really pleased with the flexibility. The flexibility is key when you're having to work full-time and, and then some, and trying to schedule your life. I think this is one of the best experiences I've had.
The support system here is like none other. I have been to many different schools and never received the type of support that you get from UMA — from registration all the way to career services.
Let's face it, the one thing that is not going to change is the need for healthcare workers. That is an ever-growing industry.
I feel like I am in a position where I can care for others just as much as UMA cared for me.
It's something I've already recommended to friends, because UMA is so supportive of everything you may need.
I graduated because of the help they gave me along the way.
UMA was the best place for me. You feel seen. You feel heard. You feel cared for and respected
I'm actually a little sad about leaving UMA. It's part of my life now.
I feel like I show my kids that being positive, being an ear for somebody that does not always have somebody to speak with, it makes a difference.
You can do it. You can do anything you put your mind to. Never give up on yourself.
You get an extra family with UMA. It's amazing!
I'm thankful to UMA for the flexibility so I am able to complete my courses.
I would definitely do it again. I'm going to miss UMA when I leave. It's bittersweet
UMA really tries to help you find a good career. It feels like I'm wanted.
I finally picked up the phone and called. The voice on the other end was overwhelmingly confident I could do it!
Every advisor I ran into was very supportive. No one made me feel like I was less than. They made me feel like I was more.
I love caring for people. I originally wanted to be an RN, but blood didn't work out for me. But I could be in a hospital somewhere else. I didn't have to be a nurse.
of surveyed students enrolled in UMA’s online programs would likely select UMA again if they had the opportunity to start over.
UMA 2022-2023 Online Student Satisfaction Survey of 9,891 responses. Survey was conducted and fielded by Hanover Research. Includes UMA Online students who were active at the time of the survey between Jul 1, 2022 - Jun 30, 2023.
Survey was conducted by Hanover Research. Employers that hired UMA Online students between Jul 1, 2022 - September 30, 2023. Survey responses received from 257 employers. Excludes corporate alliance partners.
You Can't Help But Care
Our passion is training you for yours. The healthcare field is projected to have 1.8 million job openings per year, on average, from 2022 to 2032.4 The care you put into the world day in and day out shouldn’t go unnoticed. At UMA, you can turn that care into a career.

Get to know us first.
Students do not pay tuition until after they successfully complete a Provisional Enrollment Period that typically lasts through their first course.5
Laptops for those who qualify
Students in select programs may be able to receive a UMA laptop at no additional cost. For full information on laptop program eligibility, please see the UMA catalog.
125+ Career Support Team Members
Our Career Services Advisors are here help you throughout the job search once you graduate.
125+ Learner Service Advisors
We have advisors who can guide you toward resources that may help you overcome life challenges.